Confetti & Streamer cannons
We stock both refillable confetti blowers which can fired time and time again, and single Confetti and Streamer shots which come in a range of colours and sizes.
Our confetti blowers can be loaded with virtually any Confetti, which we can supply or use your own!
​All costs are based on day / weekend hire, include VAT and based on collection and return to us
Confetti Blower £30
Simply press a button to blow confetti up and over your crowd, can be reloaded with any confetti
Handheld Confetti single shot from £5
Twist to fire handheld single use shot, choice of colours
Confetti Shooters
Single or dual shot cannons that can be used with Confetti or Streamer cannons reaching up to 10m before spreading and falling, ideal for larger venues, outdoors and festive switch on events, we stock a large range of cartridges in 50cm and 80cm, Confetti and Streamers in a variety of colours from £7
Single shot firing unit £25
Dual shot firing unit £40
Loose confetti
Large range of confetti always in stock for use in blower type machines or hand throwning